Original and healthy hydration during summer

Summer Drink

One of the most frequent problems when summer arrives is the lack of options other than water when it comes to hydrating correctly. In this heat, it is very common to resort to sugary drinks and soft drinks, juices or flavoured drinks.

The WHO recommends no more than 20 grams of sugar per day, which, for example, is far exceeded by a single can of Coke, which already contains 35 grams.

As an alternative to this sugar consumption, we leave you with some ideas for this summer, to be able to order drinks that are not high in sugar or alcohol. Of course, we can drink them (this is not a prohibition) but if we want alternatives, then a few ideas will not hurt:

  • Sparkling and flavoured water (avoid excessive sweeteners if you have a sensitive gut).

  • Teas or iced coffee

  • Kombucha

  • Iced lemonade

  • Non-alcoholic beers

  • Frozen fruit smoothies

  • Tomato juice

  • Coconut water

We also propose a very basic idea to make your homemade flavoured drinks or soft drinks a healthy alternative to hydrate ourselves properly without compromising our health. We even provide an extra with multiple healthy ingredients such as fruits or herbs.

Choose a healthy base: Water or sparkling water are usually the most accessible options. In this step, we can mix it with some lemon, watermelon or orange juice. Add everything in a large pitcher.

Choose one or more fruits and add them: melon, pineapple, watermelon, berries, oranges, fruit, fruit juices, fruit juices and more.

These summer drinks are the perfect accompaniment to our VFC menus, and will even boost their flavour and improve your digestion by drinking more water without even realising it! 100% plant-based real food

  • Receive a new menu every week

  • Natural, homemade ingredients

  • Take care of yourself and the planet

  • No commitment to stay with us

Every week we propose a new menu with 8 dishes, choose the ones you like the most! Discover the power of a plant-based diet and transform your well-being today.