New name Fresh Greens

Fresh Greens

LETTER FROM THE CEO: From Vegan Food Club to Fresh Greens 

How did we get here?

When we started Vegan Food Club in January 2021, we did it without pretensions, brand strategy, or even considering market sizes, target audiences, or expansion strategies.

“Making plant-based food mainstream to fight climate change 🌱”

We simply thought that the “convenience” market (i.e., all products and services for those who don't want to cook) was the best possible sector to create a plant-based product that would be attractive not only to the vegan public but also to vegetarians, flexitarians, omnivores, and all existing groups.

Wanting to maximize the positive impact we could have, we dreamed that 1 in 3 customers would not be vegan, as these are the ones who would generate a deeper impact on their lifestyle with the diet change that VFC allows.

For anyone with basic marketing knowledge and common sense, calling ourselves Vegan Food Club didn't make any sense from the start.

The good part was that it's a very descriptive name, but if you're trying to reach the widest possible audience as a core part of your mission, it's clear that it's also a very exclusive name.

The words “Vegan” and “Club” have caused many not to try the service because they don’t feel they belong to that “vegan club” they would supposedly be joining.

Therefore, for more than a year, we had been thinking that we were working under the wrong brand, and every questionnaire we sent to our customers confirmed it, with more than half of our customers being neither vegan or vegetarian.

Why Now?

After having sold more than 500,000 dishes to more than 20,000 people who have tried the service, it may seem a bit late for a complete renaming/rebranding.

But precisely because of what we have experienced and learned in these first years, we believe that the path that has brought us here will not be the one that takes us to 5,000,000 dishes.

What Changes?

From Vegan Food Club (VFC) to Fresh Greens (FG)

Our visual identity and our way of communicating, so that we can connect with a broader audience.

With those who want to take care of themselves by incorporating more vegetables and legumes, with those who want to eat less meat because they don't like macro-farms, with those who want to reduce their carbon footprint with their diet, with those who have long stopped eating animal products, or with those who, simply and above all, don’t want to cook.

What Doesn’t Change?

The mission.

The product, which will continue to improve in the same line, offering an increasingly wide variety of plant-based dishes, of better quality.

Our way of doing things and what drives us every day, the well-being of our customers who take care of their diet and the planet with us.

Where Are We Going?

We will continue to improve our product every day, with more variety of dishes, more sales channels to facilitate access to Plant-Based meals, and more countries.

Pablo Alcolea Martinez

CEO Fresh Greens