Health benefits of plant-based eating

comida vegana

A plant-based diet can lower your blood pressure

A meta-analysis explored data from 39 studies and concluded that people following a vegetarian diet had, on average, lower blood pressure than those following omnivorous diets, which include both plant and meat-based foods. Another study found that vegetarians had a 34% lower risk of developing hypertension compared to non-vegetarians. A plant-based diet can take care of your heart

This study found that following a plant-based diet can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 16% and the risk of dying from such conditions by approximately 31%. Helps prevent cancer, especially colon cancer.

Regarding the link between a vegetarian diet and cancer, a 2013 study with over 69,000 participants concluded, "Vegetarian diets seem to confer protection against cancer," especially protective against colorectal cancer, with vegan diets offering even greater protection. In June 2014, a new study from EPIC-Oxford, involving nearly 50,000 people, literally concluded, "In this British population, the risk of some types of cancer is lower in people who eat fish and vegetarians compared to those who eat meat." Aids in preventing type II diabetes

A study found that following a plant-based diet, rich in high-quality plant foods, reduced the risk of developing type II diabetes. In fact, it is considered a better treatment alternative to be considered for patients with this condition, as it has shown better results than the diet proposed by the American Diabetic Association and the National Cholesterol Education Program in glycemic control. Following a plant-based diet long-term can help you live longer All the other potential benefits mentioned here combine into a significant one: living longer. This study from AHA Journals found that a plant-based diet reduces the risk of all-cause mortality by 25%. In conclusion, studies show that vegetarians have a lower cardiovascular risk, less diabetes, lower blood pressure, a lower body mass index, implying lower obesity rates, and a lower incidence of colon cancer.

It is also true that, in most cases, these are observational studies (though with large samples), and the vegetarian population tends to have a healthy lifestyle, with a low incidence of smoking, lower alcohol consumption, and more physical activity.

More studies are needed to reach more concrete conclusions, but for now, it seems proven that a diet rich in plant-based foods offers health advantages compared to a meat-rich diet. Similarly, we can affirm that vegetarians who follow a sufficient and balanced diet have at least as good health as omnivores.

If you want to learn more about vegan nutrition and discover how to incorporate it into your life in a balanced and delicious way, we invite you to explore Elena Zuleta's "Máster Vegano" course.

Discover the power of a plant-based diet and transform your well-being today!